Lemon-Lime Green Juice

If you have not tried juicing, it's a great way to get lots of vegetables into your diet and add an energy boost. If your juice is primarily made of fruit, it's probably more smoothie than juice., which is yummy but may not give you that burst of energy that will sustain you for several hours.
Ingredients --
1 bunch of any green of your choice (collards, chard, spinach, kale, dandelion)
1 cucumbers
1/2 handful parsley
1/2 handful cilantro
1 lemon with peel removed
1 lime with peel removed
1-2 green apples with peel intact (I remove the seeds, but that's up to you.)
Fresh ginger (optional)
Directions --
Wash all vegetables and fruit thoroughly and place into a large bowl.
Juice each vegetable in this order – greens, herbs, lemon, lime, apple(s) and cucumber.
Stir mixture before serving.