Knowing When to Give Up the Keys

I was at the post office in Utica Square earlier today. As I was leaving, I saw an elderly lady struggling with her walker and trying to get into her car. I asked if I could help. She said, "Honey, I have made a mess of things and scratched the hell out of the car next to me." Of course, it was my car. I told her it didn't look too bad and someone could buff out the scratches. She sat in her car for a long time, so I eventually had to get in my car and drive away. I saw the look on her face when I got in the car and gave her the thumbs up. She smiled and then nearly backed right into my car as I was pulling away.

Since this happened, it has been weighing on my mind if I would know when it's time to turn over the car keys.  This has to be one of the most difficult decisions to make. You have spent your entire adult life as an independent person who can go to the grocery store, lunch with your girlfriends or take a little road trip whenever you choose, and then suddenly that comes to an end.   

My parents are moving to Tulsa in the new year.  They are active 70-year-olds who love volunteering and spending time with friends.  Hopefully, we are years from the need for this conversation and may we both have the right words when the time comes.  And, may my children gently pry the keys from my hand and hire a gorgeous young man to drive me on my daily errands.  


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